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Lifewave Patch Usage and Placement

Lifewave Patch usage and placement will affect the results you experience as you use Lifewave patches. To help walk us through how to gain the maximum benefit from Lifewave products, we’ll be learning from the knowledge and experience of Dr. Karen Kan.

Dr Karen is a Doctor of Light Medicine™, a #1 international bestselling author, visionary, and pioneer in the fields of healing, consciousness, and spirituality. As a longtime Lifewave product user and distributor, her videos below will walk you through the optimal placement of Lifewave patches and how they can be used to combat various pain symptoms.

Lifewave Patch Usage and Placement Videos

Click on the links below to learn how to use Lifewave patches for optimal pain relief.

In this quick tips video, I show you a simple and fast protocol to use for regional pain using X39 and Aeon patches. 

Dr. Karen shows you how to use IceWave pain relief phototherapy patches to bracket an entire meridian to increase the flow of energy, break up blocks so that you can feel less pain.

Dr. Karen Kan explains how to use LifeWave IceWave patches to increase Qi flow and circulation in the eyes and LifeWave Carnosine patches to encourage faster tissue repair (especially if you have had surgery or have scar tissue in the eye area).

In this LifeWave micro-training, Dr. Karen Kan shares some simple patching protocols to support your thyroid. 

In this video Dr .Karen Kan shows you how to find Kidney 27 acupuncture point and how to use the IceWave or Energy Enhancer patches to activate this point to support energy and healthy lympathic flow.

In this video, Dr. Karen Kan explains how to do the Advanced Brain Balancing Protocol, who could benefit, and how to customize it for your own situation. 

In this video, Dr. Karen shares patching protocols along with some nifty tools to help alleviate knee pain. 

Learn how to use Energy Enhancer and IceWave patches over acupuncture point gallbladder 20 to stop symptoms of an early cold or flu. Also, learn how you can use Y-Age Glutathione and Aeon patches to decrease throat pain or the diminish a cough. 

In this video, Dr. Karen Kan explains how you can use LifeWave patches to clear congested sinuses.

In this video, Dr. Karen Kan shares a patching protocol for when you or someone you love is feeling down using a Y-Age Aeon patch on an acupuncture point to lift the energy and spirits. 

In this video, I talk about why I use the SP6C patch even though I don’t have sugar cravings. 

In this LifeWave Training with Dr. Karen Kan, she answers the question: “If the patches get rid of my pain, do I have to keep using it forever?”

In this video, Dr. Karen Kan shares one of her favorite protocols to support better breathing, especially for those people who are recovering from illnesses that cause difficulty breathing.

In this video, Dr. Karen explains how she would use X39 stem cell enhancing patches over the area of the brain that was damaged from a stroke in order to activate specific acupuncture points using a brain homunculus map.

Dr. Karen Kan shows how to bring balance to the immune system using one acupuncture point and LifeWave patches.

The scalene muscles in the neck are often very tight in people, mostly from sitting at the computer or looking down a lot at our phones.

In this video, I share a quick tip on how you can use the LifeWave Pain Relief Phototherapy patches to reduce muscle knot discomfort.

LifeWave does not claim to cure, treat, or prevent any disease. LifeWave patches have not been clinically tested in pregnant, nursing women, or children. Please consult your doctor or healthcare provider, as well as a LifeWave distributor for additional support and information.

Click HERE to read FAQ’s. To Purchase Lifewave Patches, click HERE