Income Opportunity
Share the Gift of Health

Income Opportunity

Income Opportunity – Become a Lifewave distributor and get in on the ground floor of a company that’s changing the world in the area of pain management. We’re looking for unique individuals to become distributors of our revolutionary and life changing products.

Get the Whole Story on LifeWave Including How It Started!

Results make the best salespeople…My Personal Experience with Lifewave Products

My wife has suffered from chronic pain for years. From the first day of using the X39 patch she could tell “something was going on” with her back. My wife used the Lifewave X39 patch in conjunction with the Icewave patches for just 7 days. She has experienced a reduction of pain that has allowed her to do things she had not been able to do in years!

My sister-in-law suffers from Migraine headaches. This week she placed a Lifewave X39 patch on the back of her neck. Within 30 minutes her migraine was gone. Not better, but completely gone!

Click HERE to see what others around the world are saying about Lifewave products.

Lifewave Is a Great Business Opportunity!

Why Should You Consider Becoming a Lifewave Distributor?

I think the better question would be, Why wouldn’t you consider becoming a Lifewave distributor? My family has been introduced to a product that works. We will be users of Lifewave products for life. It’s a no brainer that we should benefit from the products that we’re using by simply sharing them with others.

And regarding selling, convincing, or overcoming the skepticism regarding Lifewave products, simply living a pain free life and sharing our first hand experience with Lifewave products is more than enough to garner interest. I got involved as a Lifewave distributor because Lifewave products virtually sell themselves! All you need to succeed in this business are people who are in some sort of pain or discomfort, and that’s the overwhelming majority of the world population.

Most people want to feel better. When you share with them how they can feel better and help them to tangibly experience what our Lifewave patches can do for them (sometimes within the first few minutes), you’ll find that success in this business will beat down your door!

The Benefits of Becoming a Lifewave Distributor

  • No shortage of customers. Anyone suffering from pain or discomfort is a potential customer.
  • No competition – our product is patented
  • No selling involved – the product sells itself
  • Safe, proven, drug free technology
  • Work with an established 20 year old company
  • 24/7 Support
  • Make a difference in the lives of others

Income Opportunity: Become Independent From the Circumstances of Life

Thanks to the COVID pandemic, we’ve all witnessed what it’s like to have our world turned upside down by circumstances that are out of our control. And while we will never be totally and completely free from the circumstances of life, there is an area where we can find freedom….our finances.

Becoming a Lifewave Independent distributor can be the first step toward financial security for yourself and your family. Consider becoming a Lifewave Independent distributor TODAY! Click HERE to get started.

Got questions about becoming a Lifewave Independent Distributor?

Contact me using the contact form below or give me a call at (909) 667-5734.

Greg Winfield

become a distributor





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