Share the Gift of Health

FAQsFrequently Asked Questions

  • Do Lifewave patches cure medical disorders and diseases?

No. Lifewave patches do not treat, cure or prevent medical disorders or disease. However, the use of Lifewave patched have been clinically proven to reduce symptoms associated with medical disorders and diseases.

  • What chemicals/medications are used in Lifewave patches?

None. Lifewave patches help to activate the body’s own stem cells to aid the body in healing itself.

  • Are there any dietary modifications necessary to use Lifewave patches?

No. However, hydration is an important key to achieving results when using Lifewave patches.

  • Must Lifewave Patches be applied directly on the skin?

No. Your Lifewave Patch can be applied over clothing. They even work when you place them on casts!

  • Will Lifewave patches cause skin irritation?

In most instances no. However if you have sensitive skin, you can use your Lifewave patches over your clothing.