Chronic Back Pain Relief – Lifewave Testimonial

chronic back pain
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Chronic Back Pain – A Way of Life

Chronic back pain has been a way of life for my wife for years. Her pain stems from a herniated disk issue she’s been dealing with for as long as she can remember. Sam visits the chiropractor at least once per week. That’s just to get enough relief to make it another week to her next chiropractic visit. Some friends of ours told us about these stem cell patches that they had been using for about 1 month. Thomas and Sherry raved about how these patches had done wonders for various aches and pains they had been experiencing. We skeptically told them that we would look into it and left it at that.

Satisfied Lifewave Users

I came home and did my due diligence on the company that offered these patches, Lifewave. According to the online community, people were experiencing amazing pain relief from using these patches. Almost immediately I was all in. Partially because I hate seeing my wife in this degree of pain and partially because I’ve always been a pretty decisive person. It doesn’t take me very long to make a decision about anything. My wife, on the other hand is exactly the opposite. And since it was her body that these patches were going on, I had to wade through her skepticism long enough for her to finally decide to give the patches a try.

Our Chronic Back Pain Journey with Lifewave Patches

We ordered 30 patches. Even after ordering, it took Sam a few days to work up enough courage to give them a try. Sam applied the first patch to her back on a Thursday night, primarily because she was off from work the following Friday. She wanted to be home if there were any crazy side effects from these patches. She slept through the night with the patch on her back.

When she woke up the next morning, the various aches and pains from her whole body had intensified, however all of the pain had moved to the area where the patch was located. It’s almost as if all the pain and discomfort from her chronic back pain was being drawn to the area where the patch was. She acknowledged that she was still in pain, but she felt in her body that something was going on…she didn’t know what but she knew that the patch had initiated something on the inside of her.

Day 4 Results

She applied another patch on day 2. Still no pain relief. The pain in her body was intense, but localized to where she had applied the patch. Usually if my wife doesn’t see results within the first day of trying something, she gives up on it. However, we wanted first hand results to be able to fully share this product with others, so we agreed that she would give try it for 7 consecutive days and document the results she got.

Day 3, still no relief from her chronic back pain. Nothing different to report. Then on day number 4 when she got out of bed the pain was virtually gone! She said the pain went from a 10+ to a 4. For my wife, a 4 is virtually pain free. She said she cannot remember the last time she had so little pain. We have no idea why it took so long to see results, but we’re so glad she continued with our 7 day trial plan.

Dani’s Experience With Lifewave Patches

My sister-in-law, Dani suffers from migraine headaches. The plan was for my wife and her sister to try the Lifewave patches together and share the results. Dani placed a patch on the back of her neck and within 30 minutes her migraine was gone. Not reduced in severity but GONE! My mistake was only sending Dani one patch because after the initial 12 hour cycle, when she removed the patch, the migraine came back. I’m putting more patches in the mail to her today.

Create Your Own Testimonials

It’s difficult to talk about Lifewave products without sounding like an overly hyped salesperson that you’d find on a late night infomercial. I’ve really tried to down play this product and the results that we’ve received in this post. However, I cannot say enough about Lifewave patches…specifically the X39 patch. But as I’ve said before, results make the best salespeople. If you’re ready to see what Lifewave products can do for you and your family, click HERE to get your product order started. If you’ve seen enough and would like to become a Lifewave distributor, click HERE or give me a call at (909) 667-5734 and I can get you signed up over the phone.

Greg Winfield

chronic back pain